
HD Entertainment had a Vision to completely transform the way people watch movies.

Talwar Projects & KJS Contractors has added one more feather to its Cap by adding a branch of HD Entertainments in its Business.

HD Entertainment is a premium movie theatres which is spread across the length and breadth of North India. Our movie auditoriums offer unparalleled entertainment experience with state-of- the-art Digital Sound, Audio and Projection Systems.

Talwar Projects
Plot No.12, Rudra Arcade
II Floor, Opp. P.A.C.
Nanital road, Avas Vikas
Rudrapur , Dist. U.S.Nagar (UK)
piko construction

Contact Info

Please feel free to call us to discuss your upcoming project!

Head office:
Talwar Projects
Plot No.12, Rudra Arcade
II Floor, Opp. P.A.C.
Nanital road, Avas Vikas
Rudrapur , Dist. U.S.Nagar (UK)
Phone: +91-9837062899
Email: talwarprojects@gmail.com

Contact Info

Sister Concern :
KJS Contractors Pvt. Ltd.
Plot No.12, Rudra Arcade
II Floor, Opp. P.A.C.
Nanital road, Avas Vikas
Rudrapur , Dist. U.S.Nagar (UK)
Phone: +91-7500019222